

No matter where you live, the National Abortion Hotline can help you get an abortion 1-800-772-9100

Become a NAF Member

Our members include individuals, private and non-profit clinics, Planned Parenthood affiliates, women’s health centers, physicians’ offices, and hospitals in the U.S. and Canada. Our members also include public hospitals and both public and private clinics in Mexico City and private clinics in Colombia.

National Abortion Hotline

The Hotline provides unbiased information about abortion, referrals to quality providers, and financial assistance. It’s free and offers services to everyone, regardless of their individual situation.


Information for those considering an abortion


Ways you can fight for reproductive rights

Need an Abortion?

Find A Provider

NAF members offer the highest quality care. Find a NAF member provider in your area.

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Clinical Policy Guidelines

NAF’s Clinical Policy Guidelines for Abortion Care (CPGs) set the standards for abortion care. They are a convenient and readily usable set of guidelines that help health care professionals provide quality, evidence-based and patient-centered care.

You can Support Abortion Providers and Help Patients Access Abortion Care