The Hollows play an eclectic style of boot-stompin’ Americana, and they make their influences known in this week’s Talkhouse Weekend Playlist. With roots rock from Talkhouse contributor Nikhil P. Yerawadekar and classics like Joni Mitchell’s performance of “Coyote” from the Band’s The Last Waltz, this playlist is perfect for a midsummer night on the front porch with your friends.
Yo La Tengo — “I’ll be Around”
It is a personal favorite. It’s the type of song you could never copy or duplicate but always leaves me feeling inspired. It helps me remember that some of the best things are also the quietest. -Daniel Kwiatkowski
Joni Mitchell — “Coyote”
My second pick is Joni Mitchell’s “Coyote” live with The Band from the film The Last Waltz. It’s an incredible song about love and lust and the road. It makes me want to drive through the desert, this song on repeat and it helps that Joni and The Band are in my top five favorites of all time. It’s bliss. -Daniel Kwiatkowski
Nikhil P. Yerawaderkar & Low Mentality — “Six Shooter AKA The History of Dance”
This whole album (Everything Lasts Forever) is so good that it was hard to pick just one song (“Rep Where You’re From” was a close second). It’s impossible not to bob your head to this groove, and the production is fantastic. It also might be one of the funniest music videos I’ve ever seen. -David Paarlberg
Duke Ellington — “Skin Deep”
A masterpiece and it features the great Louis Bellson on drums. One of the greatest drum solos of all time!!! -Justin Aaronson
Tangerine Dream — “The Unicorn Theme”
The Legend soundtrack with Tangerine Dream doing the music is so much better than the Jerry Goldsmith version. The “Unicorn Theme” is just flat out very beautiful. -Justin Aaronson
Run The Jewels — “Lie, Cheat, Steal”
I love RTJ! Their beats are so fresh, their rhymes are poetic and clever, but most importantly, it’s CONCIOUS. Killer Mike raps in the last verse of this song about the “man behind the man behind the man behind the throne”, which is an evocative image for me in regards to power, wealth and political systems in our country. I love how this power duo makes me want to wise up to more than the pulsing bass on their first two records. -Erik Saxvik
Radiohead — “Everything in it’s Right Place”
This song conjures such a specific atmosphere for me. It transports me to Golden Gate park in San Francisco, where I first fell in love with this tune. This song always helps me focus and get re-centered if I’m feeling outta whack. -Erik Saxvik
Lucius — “Gone Insane”
You are missing out if you’re not following the theatrically minded Lucius. “Gone Insane” off their latest album Good Grief is accompanied by yet another cinematic music video from their powerhouse cannon. -Jeffrey Kurtze
St. Vincent — “Cheerleader”
St. Vincent has long been a source of inspiration for me when looking towards creating concepts for our own music videos. All their videos are jaw dropping. -Jeffrey Kurtze
Ry Codder — “Jesus on the Mainline”
I’m obsessed with all the key elements of this song: Cooder’s bodacious slide guitar playing, the loose-but-tight way those backup singers lock in, and that one singer’s seriously dope sweater. -Rob Morrison
Flying Pickets — “Only You”
The original Yaz/Yazoo version of this song is the one everyone knows but I like the super ’80s a capella treatment the Picketts gave their rendition. Their stripped down, dreamy arrangement really highlights the strength and simplicity of the lyric. Bonus points for boldness of wardrobe/sideburns. -Rob Morrison