Jennifer Cram, writer-director of the new comedy Sick Girl, on how her first role in cinema made her the filmmaker she is today.
Emily Ting, director of the smash hit Netflix movie Tall Girl 2, breaks down her experience moving from indie to big-budget filmmaking.
Writer-director Ray Giarratana, whose new film The Tiger Rising is out now, looks back on collaborating with the legendary cinematographer.
Director Matthew Hamachek, whose new HBO documentary Tiger airs this weekend, on his first formative experience of filmmaking.
Henry Butash reflects on how his time on three films by the master affected his own directorial debut, The Atlantic City Story.
Henry Butash reflects on how his time on three films by the master affected his own directorial debut, The Atlantic City Story.
Jon Kauffman's dream job working under his favorite filmmaker, Darren Aronofsky, directly affected how he shaped his debut feature, Heartlock.
Melissa Stephens, creator of the new series Finding the Asshole, looks back at her formative experiences on the raunchy cable show.
The writer-director of the forthcoming All These Small Moments shares wisdom from being part of the art department on Barry Jenkins' latest.
The director of Crash Pad goes back to his early days as an editor to reveal how "recycling" footage brought out his true creativity.