The friends talk touring burnout, fictional vs. autobiographical songwriting, and more.
The friends talk reunions, how touring can be “Type 2 fun,” and more.
The friends talk tour exhaustion, experimentation, and more.
The singer-songwriters talk accepting the unexpected on tour, hotels, creative bullshit detectors, and more.
The soon-to-be tourmates catch up about home recording vs. studio, the importance of learning show etiquette, and more.
The duos also talk why touring as a headliner sucks, their writing processes, what makes a good song, and more.
The collaborators talk travel essentials, their musical origins, wide-angle lyricism, and more.
The singer-songwriters talk Sex and the City vs. Girlfriends, the Glee soundtracks, getting inspired by their favorite TV shows,
Nick Llobet and El Kempner catch up.
The Exploding In Sound labelmates catch up.