The acclaimed actress, whose new movie with Sean Penn, Daddio, opens in theaters today, on some of life's essentials.
The Oscar-winning actress, who's currently starring in Firebrand, on her love of interior design, game nights and 2001.
The acclaimed actor and singer, who's currently starring in The Young Wife, on journaling, London and acting.
The star of This is Us and the upcoming Netflix series The Residence shares her love of South African adventure, Sade and comedy.
The fan-favorite actor and comedian, who's currently starring in Stress Positions, on the joys of TV movies, crispy potatoes and Isaac Hayes.
The actor-turned-director, whose new movie A Bit of Light is out now, waxes lyrical about pickleball, chutney and Keith Jarrett.
The talented star of the new drama Asphalt City shares his deep love of movies, travel and adventures in the wild.
The fan-favorite actor, who's currently playing the title role in the new comedy Lousy Carter, shares a trio of essentials.
The iconic actress, who can now be seen in the new drama La Chimera, shares her love of her farm, filmmaking and animal-themed art.
The popular young actor, who's currently starring in the coming-of-age film Little Wing, on her love of comic books, pigeons and Doc Martens.