Writer-director Onur Tukel has a novel idea for how the Democratic presidential nominee could claim victory in November.
Former policy advisor Sarah Labowitz, who produced the new documentary TEXAS, USA, on uprooting her life to fight for American democracy.
Filmmaker Deborah Goodwin unpacks the uncanny echoes of TV’s best show she found in Kevin McCarthy’s bumbling bid for power.
Mark Cousins, whose new film March on Rome just premiered at the Venice Film Festival, on how Orson Welles was a man ahead of his time.
The friends talk climate change, health care, unions, and more.
The man behind The Night Stalker chats with Oscar-winner Willmott about race, politics, duality, collaborating with Spike Lee, and more.
Rachel Boynton on the genesis of her new film Civil War (or, Who Do We Think We Are), and why she re-envisioned the way she made documentaries.
Filmmaker Katherine Fairfax Wright on the memorable experience of making election ads with six-year-old motivational speaker Caleb Stewart.
For Deborah Shaffer, director of the new doc Queen of Hearts: Audrey Flack, the political has always been personal.
Your vote could be incredibly vital in closing the book on this monstrous, authoritarian era of American politics.