Writer-director Eromose on how the murder of Tamir Rice ultimately led to him making his new political drama-thriller 88.
The directors of the new Field of Vision short documentary share their experiences chronicling the human impact of police killings in Columbus, Ohio.
Buick Audra of Friendship Commanders walks through the difficult process of writing a true song.
Muta'Ali, director of the documentary Yusuf Hawkins: Storm Over Brooklyn, takes a frank look at how each of us can impact the present moment.
Revisiting Ruiz’s 2017 essay on how, if we’re to protest Donald Trump, we must also protest one of his biggest supporters: the police.
Writer-director David Midell outlines how his past work as a teacher and therapist drew him to make The Killing of Kenneth Chamberlain.
When you’re marching against Trump on Saturday, remember who helped him win the presidency.
Filmmaker David Felix Sutcliffe's open letter to the documentary community about courage, cameraphones and the #RightToRecord.