Ben Jones talks the experimental filmmaker.
The legendary filmmaker/author and the poet talk their writing processes, their new spoken word records, and more.
The director of Satanic Panic on the directing Johns – Carpenter, Hughes, Cameron Mitchell and Waters – who have influenced her work.
Lauren Wolkstein, director of the forthcoming The Strange Ones, sends some words of advice and comfort back through time.
Lauren Wolkstein, director of the forthcoming The Strange Ones, sends some words of advice and comfort back through time.
Tommy O'Haver, director of The Most Hated Woman in America, makes his passionate pitch for who should be the next POTUS.
Justin Kelly, director of King Cobra and I Am Michael, on the need to move away from depicting typical LGBT characters on screen.
Writer-director Zach Clark recounts his adventures, both on and off screen, at the beloved genre film festival in Austin, Texas.
Zach Clark once again revisits Kubrick's ever-shifting final film, this time finding echoes of everything from Jerry Lewis to Pier Paolo Pasolini.
To mark the restoration of Multiple Maniacs, filmmaker and longtime Waters fan Clark sits down for a chat with the Pope of Trash himself.