Writer-director Cedric Cheung-Lau on facing grief in the wake of premiering his debut feature The Mountains are a Dream That Call to Me.
The New York-based artists catch up.
Wila Frank writes about how songwriting helped connect her to her father after his passing.
Director Mark Pellington on how his latest feature, an experimental dance film, helped him express his ongoing sense of loss as never before.
Melissa Navia, who plays Lt. Erica Ortegas on Star Trek: Strange New Worlds, on returning for season two after a devastating, unthinkable loss.
Writer-director Carla Simón, whose new short is at the Venice Film Festival, on how the death of a family member has underpinned each of her films.
Melissa Navia, who plays Lt. Erica Ortegas on Star Trek: Strange New Worlds, on returning for season two after a devastating, unthinkable loss.
Zeshawn Ali on how the passing of his father while making his debut film, Two Gods, shaped the film into a meditation on death and renewal.
Writer-director Jessie Barr on the personal story of death, grief and family that underpins her debut feature, Sophie Jones.
Director Kim Farrant on taking her new film Angel of Mine, starring Noomi Rapace, to a place of intense emotional honesty.