Writer-director Zarrar Kahn, whose debut feature, In Flames is out in theaters today, on the journey of making his new film.
Trader Joe’s attracts lots of musicians — and a member of Ween, sort of.
Singer-bassist Joe Perry (not that one) talks about keeping your focus in the face of crappy jobs.
The anonymous producer behind the R&B project talks working on both sides of the music industry.
The artist and manager on her dual career with the Magnetic Fields.
The former architect on how his studies influenced his new album.
Cole Guerra took nearly 15 years off from songwriting to be a psychologist, and his career informed the songs that came after.
In his quest to make it as a songwriter, Morgan Enos (Other Houses) discovered an alternate route into the music world: journalism.
Liza Colby has put in a lot of work, but she's still clocking in her 10,000 hours.
In which Mark Arm talks pulling double duty for Sub Pop.