Writer-director-actor Dawn Storey on the pivotal role her new short, Dooley Does Murder!, played in her becoming herself.
Director Mark Pellington on how his latest feature, an experimental dance film, helped him express his ongoing sense of loss as never before.
Director and cinematic curator Julia Marchese makes her case, after 15 years (and counting!) of fun film gatherings.
The Apology writer-director Alison Star Locke on the satisfying and meaningful resonance of Sharon Horgan's new TV show.
Supercell writer-director Jamie Winterstern on how his mother came to life in his new movie, through Anne Heche's vital performance.
Emmy-nominated actor Kelly Jenrette on death, loss and the strength one can gain from coming through difficult times.
Artemis Shaw and Prashanth Kamalakanthan, whose feature New Strains plays First Look this weekend, share the childhood films that hit home.
Oscar winner Jeff Reichert on his new short, Before You Were Here, made in the Amazon last year in anticipation of his daughter’s birth.
Director Ryan Lacen on the crucial role his late sister Kelly played in shaping his new addiction drama All the World is Sleeping.
Writer-director Eromose on how the murder of Tamir Rice ultimately led to him making his new political drama-thriller 88.