For this month's column, the Landlady frontman is back to help you fill out some paperwork.
The musician/producer shares what he’s learned from the pitfalls and victories of making records.
The director of Amanda Knox and Here Alone has some thoughts he needs to share with you.
"There is a kind of wisdom one only gains through pain or loss."
"Republicans want to take health insurance away from middle- and low-income folks to give tax cuts to the one percent."
"America ain’t, nor has it ever been, white," and other reasons to fight.
"In this bossy new column for Talkhouse, I will bestow many instructions for how to proceed in the face of crushing disappointment."
Taylor Rice (Local Natives) gives us words of wisdom as the inauguration approaches.
The Thermals front man offers up a starter kit for touring bands.
Honus Honus (Man Man) shares his very best concert etiquette.