Welcome back to Season 2 of Solicited Advice. For the season premiere, Alison is joined by comedian and writer George Civeris. Recently married and affianced, the two talk wedding planning, a love-hate relationship with LA and why sometimes a little moment of earnestness is necessary. With callers, they discuss how to set boundaries in love and life, the romance of City Hall and the importance of celebrating in a way that’s true to you. And hotline questions on how to navigate picky eaters, wedding menus and why you should never reheat salmon. Call 856-502-4816 to solicit advice on a future episode. Solicited Advice is brought to you with distribution and revenue support from the Talkhouse network.
“Getting Married at the DMV” with George Civeris
By Solicited Advice with Alison Roman | April 11, 2024