A few weeks go a crazy, awesome, unexpected thing happened to us. We were contacted by Siah, an excellent but mysterious underground rapper who made one exemplary EP in 1996, then a few singles and scattered guest appearances, then seemed to disappear from the rap world altogether. That’s the legend anyway. The Visualz EP, released on vinyl on indie label Fondle Em Records, is a one-of-a-kind exhibition of pinpoint lyricism, jazzy beats, and outre imagery. Siah and rhyme partner Yeshua Da Po ED wove dense verses into a beautiful tapestry of a record… and then they stopped. Siah went on to pursue other passions, but he is still interested in hip-hop, and one day he had an impromptu jam session with his children and ended up recording a new song, and he sent it to us, in order to thank us for appreciating his older music. We quickly arranged the interview you will hear on this episode and at the end of the show you can hear the world premiere of the brand new song “Nitro Fresh 2021.” We’re extremely flattered and honored to play a small role in telling the story of this singular artist. DBRP is brought to you by the podcast network equivalent of Fondle Em, Stony Island Audio.
Episode 198- Self Mythologizing with guest Siah
December 9, 2021