Susie Moon and Eric Laplante

Susie Moon and Eric Laplante‘s (AI-free) debut feature, Darla in Space, played at festivals all over the US, including the famous (in certain circles) festival Slamdance, and opens at the Quad Cinema in NYC on September 27.  Susie was born in Seoul Korea and grew up in Los Angeles, CA. She received an MFA from the Tisch School of the Arts at NYU. She currently resides in Houston, TX. Eric is a filmmaker based out of New York City. He has worked on a large number of narrative, documentary, and commercial projects. He DPed Sylvio, which debuted at SXSW. A short documentary he directed was a Vimeo Staff pick and his comedy content has been shared on many different online platforms. He has a real passion for pressure cooking and making bread (been keeping his mother alive since 2020) and lives with his wife and their Basset hound named Betty Draper.


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Grappling with Mind-blowing Kombucha Scoby Orgasms and the AI Conundrum

By Susie Moon and Eric Laplante | September 27, 2024

Grappling with Mind-blowing Kombucha Scoby Orgasms and the AI Conundrum

Darla in Space’s directors on how they used AI in their film, got criticized, took it out and have now pretty much solved the whole AI problem.