Laetitia Sadier (Stereolab) and Nina Savary Find Power in Gentleness

French multidisciplinary artist Nina Savary was born into the world of entertainment, taking to performing like a duck out of water, brought up backstage, behind the scenes of theaters across Europe in the ’70s. Making her debut to the stage at the mere age of four years old at la Scala in Milan, touring with her parents’ explosive and free theatre company Grand Magic Circus. Now an adult, Nina is a renowned performer; a singer, dancer and actress, she has been involved in many artistic projects such as musicals, opera as well as collaborating with musicians such as Stereolab’s Laetitia Sadier and Julien Gasc, Eddy Crampes, Marker Starling, and her partner Astrobal, aka Emmanuel Mario, a producer, arranger and composer with whom she formed the band Institut and the project Vivre! in 2020, along with Arnaud Dumatin.
(Photo Credit: Louis Decamp)