Introducing: MC Lars and Mega Ran’s “Walden”

By MC Lars and Mega Ran | May 29, 2019
By MC Lars and Mega Ran | May 29, 2019
Introducing: MC Lars and Mega Ran’s “Walden”
The duo’s tribute (of sorts) to Thoreau.
Mega Ran and MC Lars both host respective podcasts, Mega Ran is a 2019 Guinness World Record holder, and has found success playing huge festivals, conventions, professional wrestling events and has toured the world alongside Lars, across the UK, Europe and Japan (where Mega Ran has built a dedicated following in the “chip-hop” community, merging 8-bit beats with unparalleled lyricism). MC Lars has hosted two TEDx Talks, premiered a song at Carnegie Hall, survived three complete Warped Tours, opened for Snoop Dogg, and collaborated with “Weird Al” Yankovic and KRS-One.