Slothrust’s Strange Astrology: Taurus Season

By Leah Wellbaum | May 20, 2022
By Leah Wellbaum | May 20, 2022
Slothrust’s Strange Astrology: Taurus Season
An elegy for Taurus season from Leah Wellbaum.
Leah Wellbaum is a musician, artist, and writer living in Los Angeles, CA. She is the principal songwriter, guitar player, and unrepentant aesthete of the band Slothrust, and also has a side project called ANMLPLNET. On the upcoming Slothrust album, Parallel Timeline, Wellbaum constructs a luscious, ethereal cosmos perforated with wormy portals and unexpected magical iconography. She is a lover of all things mystical and absurd. When she isn’t on the road, she offers lessons in music and creativity. You can find her art at