Three Great Things: Inbar Lavi

Actress Inbar Lavi is best known for her roles on Bravo’s Imposters and Fox’s Prison Break. She is currently starring as Eve in Lucifer; Part B of the show’s fifth season premieres on Netflix on May 28. During quarantine, Inbar created the brand Lavi, with all proceeds going to female-owned business hit hard by the pandemic. Inbar is also an ambassador of The Los Angeles Children’s Hospital and The Make-a-Wish Israel Foundation and volunteers at Our Big Kitchen Los Angeles, a community-run Kosher kitchen that brings people together to assist the less fortunate. She will be releasing her first single this summer as well, and are excited to share a link to her song with you soon. Inbar was born and raised in Israel, and currently resides in Los Angeles. (Image by Rowan Daly.)