Foreign Air

Jacob Michael and Jesse Clasen had been grinding it out on the road for a decade when their respective bands came to an end. At the time, joining forces wasn’t a particularly convenient thing to do — both had day jobs and lived hundreds of miles away from each other — but something told the pair it was worth the extra effort. While much has changed for the band since those early days — they’ve got a name now, Foreign Air, and more than 100 million streams under their belt — that childlike sense of joy and wonder never left. In fact, as the duo’s full-length debut, Good Morning Stranger, demonstrates, it’s only grown stronger with time.


Jacob Michael (Foreign Air) on the Genius of Ennio Morricone

By Foreign Air | December 7, 2020

Jacob Michael (Foreign Air) on the Genius of Ennio Morricone

A tribute to the late Italian film composer.