Benny Safdie

Benny Safdie was born and raised in New York City, in both Queens and Manhattan. In another world he might have been a physicist, but in this one he is a filmmaker. He usually collaborates with his brother Josh. Together they have released films all over the world, premiering at international festivals like Cannes, Venice, Sundance, Toronto, Locarno, New York, etc. The most recent film, Heaven Knows What, is currently in release with RADiUS-TWC and available now on iTunes and on 9/15 everywhere else.


Benny Safdie (Heaven Knows What) Talks Alex Gibney’s Steve Jobs: The Man in the Machine

By Benny Safdie | September 3, 2015

Benny Safdie (Heaven Knows What) Talks Alex Gibney’s Steve Jobs: The Man in the Machine

The prolific documentarian's latest seems more interested in dismantling the late Apple guru's reputation than providing true insight into his life.