Sober Sunrises, and Other Tales of Making Maya Dardel

Zachary Cotler and Magdalena Zyzak are the writer-directors of Maya Dardel, starring Lena Olin, which is on release theatrically through Samuel Goldwyn Films. A graduate of Cornell and the Iowa Writers’ Workshop, Cotler is the author of a novel, Ghost at the Loom (2014), a critical monograph, Elegies for Humanism (2015), and three books of poetry, Supplice (2014), Sonnets to the Humans (2013) and House with a Dark Sky Roof (2011). A native of Poland, Zyzak moved to the U.S. In 2002, where she produced Asiel Norton’s films Redland (2009) and Orion (2015), also co-writing the latter. Her first novel, The Ballad of Barnabas Pierkiel, was published to widespread critical acclaim in 2014. In 2014, Cotler and Zyzak became a filmmaking team; their forthcoming feature, When I’m a Moth, is currently in postproduction.